It was a cloudy Sunday in August when we decided to explore Holešovice district which is very close to our home in Libeň and because we found out it has a lot of unusual places…
We started this walk in the new docks of Libeň which is one of our favourite places there. It is a growing area of modern houses and offices and we just like very much walking there for a beer and food, and also to look at moored boats in its little marina.
They say that Holešovice is a district that has always lived its own life, away from other parts of Prague. In the past, it was a place of a lot of factories, trade, and production.
My Amazing Prague
Libeň and Holešovice are separated by the Vltava River, and in order to get there we have to cross the cubistic Libeň Bridge.
A little further across the bridge and we are suddenly in the area of Holešovice docks. You will immediately notice the industrial vibe of this area, which is really unusual. At least for us.
On the one hand, there are new tall houses for living, on the other hand, it is almost literally possible to feel an unground and rusty history. This place was in the past an important center of river transport. Today, shipping is limited, also due to low water levels. I always think that it would be great to revive the area, but at the same time preserve the history of this place and prepare it more as a relaxation zone for people. Thanks to these ideas, I just remembered the city of Bristol in England, where I lived for 2 years, and its port can serve as a great example of what I mean.
They say that Holešovice is a district that has always lived its own life, away from other parts of Prague. In the past, it was a place of a lot of factories, trade, and production. Nowadays some factories are converted into offices and apartments. In other houses are architectural studios or designers.
One such place is DOX – Center for Contemporary Art. In between the houses is stuck a big steal-wooden airship called Gulliver. True story! We couldn’t believe it! The airship serves literary evenings and other events.
We are almost at the end of the walk, but there is one more place.
If you continue in Holešovice north to the river, you will get to an area that I also like very much. This area is not super polished, but is still great for walking or running by the river. This location could change significantly in the future due to the planned construction of new houses and the revitalization of the waterfront park. Promising tomorrows!
There is one more special spot left – a unique bowstring arch Troja bridge. Impressive during a day, beautiful during a night when its lights are on! This bridge is special because it is one of the flattest arches among the bridges realized in the world. Designed by Mott MacDonald and Koucky Architects.
The bridge was an icing on the cake of our walk and we hope you enjoyed it from the photos with us!
🠊 Walking Path
Length 5,3 km • About 1,5 h
🠊 Where did we walk?
Palmovka (metro or tram stop) 🡲 Libeň Docks 🡲 Libeň bridge 🡲 Holešovice harbour 🡲 DOX Center for Contemporary Art 🡲 Vltava riverside park 🡲 Troja bridge.
Photo Story
Our photo stories from walks through Prague will show your diverse districts and areas that you can experience in the city. From historic streets to industrial sites, from stunning city views to charming riverside, from green parks to housing estates…
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